Saturday, 18 June 2011


Welcome to my Photography blog.  As my website is currently under construction I have decided to create a blog dedicated to my photography.  I love to blog and I’m hoping it will become a successful way to display my work and watch my own development as a photographer. 
I first became interested in Photography when I started to travel more, once I had left college and it wasn’t until the last few years that I began to realise that this is something I both love and have developed skill in.  Early 2010 a friend came to me and asked if I would photograph their wedding.  Wedding photography was not at the time something I had considered taking on as a career, however this was the perfect opportunity to give it a go, a chance to dive in at the deep end and see if this was really for me.  Although a huge responsibility I felt confident using my camera and did a short course in Wedding Photography beforehand to get ideas about current popular styles and tips on how to work with clients.  The course gave me a boost in confidence and inspired me to constantly think of new ideas and poses depending on the surrounding environment and the people involved.
A year on, 4 weddings later and I am looking forward.  I have been lucky and am very grateful to have gained the experiences I have through recommendations.  I hope to continue to develop my skills and to keep launching onwards and upwards! I hope you like what you see on my blog and if you would like to contact me regarding my photographic services then I would be very happy to hear from you.

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